December 28, 2019 By geoscientificvastu
The term “ geopathic stress” is used to describe negative energies, also known as “harmful earth rays”, which emanate from the earth and cause discomfort and ill health to those living above. Earth energies can be bad, good or neutral.
Geopathic stress is a distorted or disrupted electromagnetic field of the Earth (Schumann Resonance / Waves). The Earth resonates with an electromagnetic frequency of approximately 7.83 Hz – Schumann resonances (SR), which falls within the range of (alpha) human brainwaves.
Underground streams, sewers, water pipes, electricity, tunnels and underground railways, mineral formations and geological faults distort the natural resonance of the Earth thus creating geopathic stress (GS). Sleeping or spending a lot of time in geopathic stress zones can ill effects on our health, performance and wellbeing.
Geopathic Stress is a distorted or disrupted electromagnetic field of the Earth causing harmful radiation to emanate from earth surface.This has been observed during our study that the Heart Rate in geopathic stress zones are higher as compared to nonstress zones which leads to higher stress level of human being.